Personal & Business Finances

Chris WilsonChris Wilson Director - Head of Tax

When it comes to personal wealth, it isn’t all about the now, but about planning for the future. Making great decisions today can give you and your family what you need to achieve your long-term financial goals.

We’ll work with you to help achieve those goals.

Protecting your business

What happens if you or another shareholder dies? Not something to dwell on, we agree, but something to plan and prepare for all the same. We can assess the risk and help you protect both your business and the future for your family.

Exiting your business

It’s a huge recognition of your achievement when you finally plan to let go and exit the business you’ve worked so hard to build. Whatever route you decide to take, involving us will help ensure you achieve the right outcome, by realising the true value of your business and ensuring you retain and protect the maximum amount of the proceeds.

Cashflow modelling

Will I have enough money in retirement? It’s a question we all ask. Unfortunately, nobody has a crystal ball, but we can work with financial planners to run through different scenarios to help forecast your future finances, so you know how much you need and the best route to get you there.


Sure, you can sell your business and live off the proceeds, but pensions can reduce personal and Corporation Tax liabilities. Also, pensions don’t form part of your estate so are a great way to minimise Inheritance Tax. Despite their past bad press, the benefits they can provide shouldn’t be ignored.

Estate planning and Inheritance Tax

There are so many ways to minimise the amount you pay in Inheritance Tax. Have you explored them all? If not, or you simply want to review your options, we can help create a plan for passing on your wealth and business tax efficiently.

Tax-efficient investments

Have you reviewed your investments lately? If not, it’s probably time to do it. There’s a vast range of tax-efficient investments. Choosing your own investments isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It takes time, knowledge and skill. You can sit back and delegate responsibility or manage your own portfolio with support from an investment advisor, either way, you remain in control.

“The Fortus team understand my needs as a business owner. I know that when I get advice, it’s advice I can trust"

Gavin Mortimer PRS Guitars Europe


Want to talk in more detail or arrange a meeting? Then contact Chris today.

Email Chris

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